The Magic of Data Science
Introduction to Data Economy, the WOrld of Big Data and the Data Scientist Professions
This is the Pre-Sale of "The Magic of Data Science" Course. Full Course will be available at 10.01.2019. Now you able to get this Course for 19$. Later, the price will be 89$.
The course “The Magic of Data Science” is a starting step before the first step done for everyone who decided to study for a career of a Data Scientist or implement Data Science into business. The course is recommended for viewing before you begin to learn Data Science in practice.
What is this course about? First of all, it is about transformation. After all, humanity is moving from the informational era into the digital one, where data are the main resource for generating profit.
The data allows you to reduce business costs and at the same time increase its profitability. At the same time, the amount of data is growing rapidly - now there are more microprocessors in the world than people.
According to the forecasts, from 2020, 4 billion terabytes of new data will appear annually. Such an explosive growth in raw data is driving demand for data science specialists. The more data appears, the more demand will be in processing, analyzing and usage in business. And the more jobs in the field of Data Science will be created.
Data Science today:
The Data Scientists profession has already been called the most “sexual” profession of the 21st century. What is behind it? What are its prospects? What is needed to become a Data Scientist? What skills are required? What areas of business do you need to understand? How much can you earn and what are the salaries?
The course “The Magic of Data Science” is designed to answer these and many other questions. You will also learn from the course about how to implement Data Science in business, how to start working with data in the company, about the benefits of Data Science for entrepreneurs and the feasibility of digital business transformation.
What knowledge & tools are required?
Who should take this course?
What will students achieve or be able to do after taking your course?
Welcome to the Data Science 101 Course!
Instructor is Expected
Introduction to Data Science Course
Data Science Dictionary. 43 Important Terms
Why is Data Science so Interesting?
What is Data Science?
Big Data, Data Mining & Deep Learning
Example: Hypothesis Formulation, Data Collection and Analysis
Application of the Result
Data Scientist
Big Data
Particle Fire Explosion
Languages Overview
Object Oriented Design Considerations
Postfix and Prefix